The Lone Ranger

42nd of 365.

Much has been made of how bad this movie is. It isn't.  

However, the movie doesn't quite know what it wants to be. It tries to have some call backs to the old tv show, while at the same time having it's own story to tell. The origin story is pretty similar to how I understand the TV and Radio shows tell it.  

Armie Hammer is a likable enough character that just seems too dumb to become the Lone Ranger of lore. They seem like they were trying to make it like the Bond origin story where he struggles with enemies, but it was more of making him look like an imbecile. 

They did accomplish one feat, I think 8-12 year olds will love this movie. It is funny and has great action scenes and will be the fun for everyone. 

Judgement: Watch on Cable