White House Down

33rd of 365.

The White House is under attack! Our only hope is the guy who can DANCE! Whenever I enter a movie with low expectations that meets those expectations, I try to imagine that the main characters are really former performances from those actors in a sequel. 

In this case, Channing Tatum is Tyler from the Step Up series. He danced into your hearts and now he is going to stop terrorists with some dope moves!  Jamie Foxx was a toss up from MotherFucker Jones from Horrible bosses or the Lawyer from Law Abiding Citizen. I figured that the president would more likely be a lawyer than a career criminal, so the lawyer won. 

Honestly, the movie is fine on it's own. Channing Tatum shows that he is better at comedy than he is an action star. The charismatic characters outshine the boring plot points and explosions.  

Judgement: Watch on Netflix Instant.