X - Los Angeles

Label: Slash
Genre: Punk
Year: 1980
Recommended by: Paul Conant

The only time I have previously heard of X was when people talked about bands coming out of Los Angeles or California.

X is an influential Punk Band from LA who's debut album was produced by Doors Keyboard player Ray Manzarek. The most famous LA band basically helped the 2nd most famous LA band who titled their album Los Angeles.

The record should be used as the definition of punk. Lo-fi, angry, but happy, and overall energetic. The energy continues throughout the entirety of the album. Also, all the band members decided to rename themselves. I still find that weird about punk, but whatever, I guess the whole world's a stage.


Joe Jackson - Look Sharp

Label: A&M
Year: 1979
Genre: Punk, New Wave, Post-Punk
Recommending Person: Jeff Sherry

Joe Jackson's Look Sharp is an interesting snapshot of moving from the late 70s punk movement into the copycats of Huey Lewis in the 80s. 

It's a bridge album incorporating many tropes of late 70s punk/new wave acts like The Clash and introducing new techniques later seemingly aped by The J. Geils Band. You can here similarities between "Centerfold" and Jackson's hit single "Is She Really Going Out with Him?" and many of those pop punk-ish bands of the 80s sound very similar. 

I loved the punkier songs on the album like "Throw It Away" or "One More Time", maybe I just love 3 word titles. Joe Jackson never got huge, but he always seems to be around and mentioned a decent amount and his music, for the most part, ages well.