D'Angelo - Black Messiah

Label: RCA
Genre: Funk, R&B
Year: 2014
Recommended by: Alura Henry

This is album is funky, and great. It was universally loved by critics, commercially successful, and again it's great. D'Angelo wanted to release it in 2015, but RCA wanted it for 2014. Either way it was going to be the best album released that year. 

Politically charged, wonderfully orchestrated, and incredibly soulful Black Messiah succeed at everything it attempts and then some. It's really a joy to listen to, but where it succeed is indescribable. A feeling of synchronicity with everything seems to creep in. All problems are yours, but the solutions are there as well.


Parliament - Mothership Connection

Label: Casablanca
Year: 1975
Genre: Funk
Recommending Person: Ralph Brendler

We got the funk! My first experience with the great George Clinton was courtesy of the '90s forgotten classic PCU, featuring Jeremy Piven, Jon Favreau, and David Spade. Favreau plays a stoner who gets lost on his way to a Clinton concert only to find out that Piven has absconded the band to play their crazy party! 

Anyways, I was able to listen to this album, before I had to go curling in Appleton, Wisconsin. It had a positive effect on my energy from the long night previous. It was a welcome change from all albums previous. It was just straight out a lot of fun.