Ice Cube - The Predator

Label: EMI
Genre: West Coast Hip Hop, Gangsta Rap
Year: 1992
Recommended by: Marta Conlon

The Predator has Ice Cube's most famous song "It Was a Good Day". I'm going to skip over talking about that song, because it's really good, and it's used all the time.

The best song though is "Check Yo Self". It does a better illustration of West Coast Hip Hop with the funky 70s beat and contrasting flow that somehow fits perfectly. Even though Ice Cube's lyrics are bit strong and aggressive, the contrast with "Mustang Sally" allows you just follow along and get behind every word. Music is powerful.

Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse - Dark Night of the Soul

Label: Capitol/EMI
Year: 2010
Genre: Indie Rock
Recommending Person: Rob Yaple

This album features rock and roll icons, legends, and even David Lynch! I am sure we are all very excited for Twin Peaks to return, but in 2010 David Lynch was creating a 100 page book that had a visual narrative with the music. I did not have access or knowledge of the book prior to listening to the album but it seems like something I should do another time. My favorite track was probably the first song with Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips. The album has many tonal shifts because of the collaboration with a different artist on every track. However, the only song that feels impenetrable is David Lynch's track to finish the record. 

Fun back story, EMI had a dispute with Danger Mouse on distribution, so Danger Mouse sold the David Lynch Book and a blank CD-R with no music saying, do with it what you will. He had leaked the album digitally a few weeks before.