Oasis - (What's the Story) Morning Glory?

Label: Creation
Year: 1995
Genre: BritPop, Rock
Recommending Person: Ryne Hendrich

This is one of the first albums I listened to with the ability to understand what was happening. I was about 8 at the time and my sister Melissa had the Album. I don't think I really got into it until I was 10, but it has a lasting on me. 

Wonderwall has become the shot across the bow for every guy learning the guitar. It is a song now notorious to sing to women after a long night filled with libations. It's not that great of a song and has become super cheesy. 

Another cheesy song that I love is Don't Look Back in Anger.  It's the definition of sappiness, but it just fits perfectly and I believe is ultimately the better sing along than Wonderwall. This record was a nice throw back.